Landing Pages

Landing Pages

Welcome pages or landing pages, known as "Landing Page" in English, are websites used to attract visitors to a specific product or service and to create awareness. Generally, these welcome pages are prepared in a structure where the subject is summarized on a single page. These landing pages, where calls to action are often repeated, introducing the product like a summary composition, can be published in a separate domain or a sub-domain

Welcome pages are a practical solution to attract visitors through ads. However, it should be reminded that it will not show SEO performance. For SEO performance, it is preferred to have a website with rich content. 

For Welcome Page Examples, you can review our ready-made sites below. These solutions are prepared in dynamic structure. They can be managed through the administration panel. They are specially optimized applications for fast opening and mobile navigation. 


landing page example
landing page example

If you want to publish a welcome page, you can get in touch with us.

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