Target Audience and Conversion Analysis

Target Audience and Conversion Analysis

Due to the increase in the number of internet users, lower costs, and faster transactions in the digital world, online marketing is constantly expanding and developing. In this context, many companies develop target audiences and conversion analyses and digital marketing strategies accordingly. As Engin Tasarım, we offer target audience and conversion analysis services to make your brand stronger in the digital world.

Target Audience

Target Audience Analysis One of the most important issues to be considered when marketing any product or service is who will benefit from this product or service. In other words, to whom the marketing will be done. As a marketing term, the target audience is all the people who have similar needs and desires and therefore can use the services or products offered by your brand. Various marketing and advertising instruments are used to promote the service or product offered, but in order to get the best out of them, these efforts should be made to specific groups of people. The main characteristics evaluated when defining the target audience are gender, age, place of residence, education, occupation, income and interests. For example, "Men between the ages of 18-30, middle income, football fans". The more detailed the target audience is defined, the more efficient the studies will be. After defining your target audience, you need to analyze the behavior of your target audience. Target audience analysis is based on the lifestyle and characteristics of the customers and reveals their shopping motives such as brand preferences, from which channels, when and what they buy. It is important to understand who accesses your website and by what means, what kind of browsing experience they have on your site, which pages are visited the most and which pages are not visited at all. If you are using online advertising, target audience analysis is a mandatory service to ensure that your ads are in front of the right people and that your budget is spent correctly.

Strategy Formulation

After defining and analyzing the target audience, a strong marketing strategy needs to be created. In this process, the most preferred marketing channels of the target audience should be determined. Although social media platforms are generally preferred today, other platforms or channels can be used according to the results of the analysis of the target audience. In addition, brand awareness is established through campaigns, competitions, discounts, etc. in line with the strategy prepared according to the results of the analysis. Thanks to this strategy, you reach a certain mass of people with certain strategies: 

  • You save time and labor.
  • You reach more people faster.
  • Reduces your advertising costs.
  • Your brand awareness increases.

As Engin Tasarım, we first define your target audience with you, analyze this audience and offer you the most appropriate strategies.

Not everyone is your customer, so please your customers, not everyone.


Transformation Analysis

Conversion, a term often used in the digital world, refers to the transformation of potential customers into actual customers. Transformation is analyzed under two different headings: micro transformation and macro transformation.

A Micro Conversion is a series of steps your potential customer takes before becoming your actual customer.

  • The user creates an account on your site,
  • Signing up the user to your newsletter,
  • Conversions such as the user adding products to the cart are called Micro Conversions.

Macro Conversion is when the targeted person becomes your real customer and buys your services or products.

  • The user makes a purchase on the site,
  • The user receives a subscription,
  • Conversions such as asking for a quote or an interview are called Macro Conversions.

The total number of visitors who visit your page / the total number of customers who buy from your page is your conversion rate.
The conversion rate actually shows how suitable a website is for its purpose because the important thing in this ratio is not the number of people who visit the website, but the number of visitors who become customers.

Conversion Rate Optimization

After conversion analysis, we offer conversion rate optimization services. Optimizing the conversion rate essentially aims to convert existing visitors into customers rather than attracting new visitors to the website. In this context, we can summarize this service as gaining new customers without reaching new people. Conversion rate optimization service includes determining the improvements to be made on the website, trying these improvements, and implementing the improvements that give positive results. As a result of these processes, you give your customers a better experience so that your customers feel loyalty to you and your brand and become your customers. As you develop your website in a way that your users want, they grow your business volume through your website in the way you want.

 To get a quote for these services, simply contact us through the contact form or send us an e-mail 

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