B2B Order System

B2B Order System

B2B, or Business-to-business, is a technical term covering sales and ordering practices. It is a technique that is frequently used for sectors that produce different models, offer models and take orders with hot or cold sales methods. We offer B2B Ordering solutions for businesses that want to increase their trade volumes through digital media.

The Needs of Each Sector are Different

If you are a wholesaler or manufacturer and you want your customers to place orders, track their orders, and get information about your current price and stock information, you can use a B2B ordering system to speed up these processes. In sector-specific applications, for example, assortment definitions may be required in the shoemaking industry and lot of definitions in the textile industry. For products that we use frequently in our homes such as white goods, furniture, and household appliances, it is necessary to have information and options that introduce the product to the customer such as color, size, design, and material. Since the prices of electronic devices such as telephones, computers and televisions, which are in every aspect of our lives, are relatively high, customers want to learn different options and detailed information about the software hardware and external design. In other words, each sector has different characteristics and different requirements.

Services Working in Harmon

We rely on our team of web design experts to make customizations, software edits, and development of new modules or integrations that will allow you to perform the necessary transactions on your website in line with the needs of your industry and your demands. Unlike other web design companies, we specialize in each of the services such as website design, B2B order systems, SEO, social media, e-newsletter, and mobile application. For an efficient B2B marketing strategy, different web design services need to work in harmony with each other. In order to achieve this harmony, it is much more advantageous to work with a web design company that offers all different services. You can reach the corporate web design examples we have completed by clicking on our references.

When is Integration Necessary? 

If you want order and payment transactions to be made through the B2B system and the orders of your dealers to be directly reflected in your accounting system through your website, it is sufficient to ensure that your website works integrated with programs such as Mikro, Nebim, and Logo. For more information about these integration solutions, simply contact us.

Check our B2B Ordering System References:


Administration Panel Image


B2B Sipariş E-ticaret
In your Dashboard, you can display data such as your orders, best-selling products, number of orders, and number of daily visitors in the form of graphs. You can customize these graphs according to the criteria you want and create powerful strategies. From the left menu, you can see the headings that allow you to manage dynamic areas on your site. Commonly preferred modules in B2B sites are product management, category management, order data, and integration data. Frequently used; product, category, service, reference, etc. Apart from the headings, we can add new headings according to your wishes and customize the panel.

If you want to get B2B Ordering System service for your company, you can contact us through the contact form and learn about the special solutions we offer.

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