Berat Tekstil

Berat Tekstil

Berat Tekstil is a company that has 20 years of experience in products such as velvet, velvet-textile and velvet carpets and markets velvet-related products both domestically and abroad. In our first meetings with Berat Tekstil company officials, we first prepared an action plan that meets the wishes and requirements of the company. In line with this plan, we continued our work with good teamwork and coordination. In this context, we strived to contribute to the good result to be achieved.

Berat Tekstil

Berat Tekstil website has about us and contact pages, which are the basic pages of a corporate website. In addition to these pages, there is also a design page where they introduce their design policies to the customer. In addition to these, there is a products page that provides detailed and satisfying information about the products in a categorized manner. In addition, the website has 4 different language options: Turkish, Arabic, English and French. The user-friendly website has been optimized, accelerated and made mobile-friendly. Thanks to the CMS (Content Management System), the content of the website can be dynamically updated. Berat Tekstil website has also been strengthened with the sample request form module. In order to strengthen the brand awareness and corporate identity structure of Berat Tekstil company, a special corporate identity work in which latin letters and kufic letters are used together was also done by us. The hosting service of the website is also offered by us.

Related Services:

Web Design
Content Management System
Corporate Identity Design

Other References

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