Speedair Compressor is a company that offers products such as Industrial Screw Compressors, inverter compressors, Compact Screw Compressors, Piston Compressors, Air Dryers, Air Tanks, Diesel Compressors and Nitrogen Generators. In the first meetings between Speedair Compressor company officials and our team, a road map was drawn by first considering the requirements of the company and then the special requests of the company. During the design process of the site, we adhered to this road map and carried out a productive work with team spirit.
Speedair website has about us and contact sections, which are very important to increase brand awareness and establish trust in customers. In addition to these, the references section and photo gallery, which are indispensable in the context of building trust in the company's customers, were included in the website. There is also a separate section for second hand products on the website. The website is additionally supported by SEO (Search Engine Optimization), e-bulletin software and online advertising services. In addition, the website has two different language options, English and Turkish. In addition to these features, there are also redirects to relevant social media accounts. The user-friendly website has been optimized, accelerated and made mobile-friendly. The website is dynamically designed and its content can be updated by the company through the content management system. The hosting service of the website is also provided by us.
Related Services:
Web Design
Digital Agency Services
Content Management System
Online E-newsletter Software
Search Engine Optimization
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